5 ways the world will be totally different in 5 years

Because of AI

Tony Aubé
4 min readAug 10, 2024


AI is becoming incredibly impressive, but some people argue ithasn’t changed our lives much… Yet.

Well, here’s 5 ways I think it will do in the coming years.

1. Massively Multiplayer Virtual Worlds

Today, we can create an infinite number of AI-generated people who look perfectly realistic. We can also talk to AI with our voice.

Now, imagine combining this tech with Grand Theft Auto 7, and the Apple Vision Pro. You’ll be able to join generated virtual worlds of incredible architecture filled with realistic characters that you can talk to and interact with.

There is already a game called Suck Up! where you’re a vampire, and you need to gaslight game characters into letting you inside their house by talking to them with your microphone.


This is just the beginning of a brand new world for gaming, and this will be an incredible..

2. Robots that do Chores for You

Tesla is already working on a robot called Optimus, and in a few years, it will be available for anyone to purchase for $20,000. Imagine, for that price, you’ll never have to do any chores in your house, including cooking, cleaning, and the laundry.

You’ll even be able to talk with them!

And yes, someone will make robots that you can sleep with. Which will wreck havoc on dating dynamics, which are already not that great, and drastically reduce population growth over the long term.

3. Infinite Personalized Media

With tools like Midjourney, Suno, and Runway, AI can now generate images, music and video for you.

It can also take a song, and swap the vocals to make it sound like its sung another artist. We’re also able to replace actors in movies the same way you can do face swaps on TikTok.

Very soon, you’ll be able to listen to any song you want, sung by your favorite singer.

Take this further, and eventually, you’ll have a Netflix-like app where you will be able to watch any movie in the style of your favorite director and with your favorite actors.

You’ll even have a slider where you can decide how long you want that film to be, anywhere between 5 minutes to 5 hours, and it will extend and generate the scenes for you.

4. Self-Driving Teleportation

Teslas can already drive themselves, but they still look like cars. But what if cars didn’t look like cars but instead looked like beds or offices?

Imagine going to your bed-car in San Francisco, fall asleep cuddling your partner, and then wake up the next morning in Los Angeles. Or Vegas. Or Seattle. Basically, overnight teleportation to anywhere 500 miles away from you.

You will no longer need to buy expensive airplane tickets for short-distance travel. And because these cars will be electric, it will be much less polluting.

5. Artificial Superintelligence

ChatGPT 10 will be right around the corner, and it will be smarter than all humans on Earth combined. Everyone will have an AI best friend who also manages your life, from scheduling meetings, giving you reminders, and booking trips for you.

These AI agents will replace workers and exponentially reduce costs of taxes and services. People will be able to work 50% less while still being as productive. In an ideal version of this, everyone will keep their jobs and work only 25 hours per week.

In a more realistic scenario, under incompetent governments, we may see massive job loss, leading to widespread depression and social unrest, along with a huge shift in today’s work culture and the perception of self-worth associated with your job.

What do you think?

Did I miss anything? What do you think will change most in the next 5 years?

Let me know your thoughts!

